Friday, August 15, 2008

Virginia - Day 9

Today we went parasailing! Aunt Sharil and I did that is. It was great! Makes you think of that porverable list of "things I want to do before I die". Guess I can mark that one off. We went up over the ocean in front of the boardwalk. It was really amazing. We went 1000 feet up and 500 feet out. It was so quite up there. If you looked straight ahead all you could hear was the wind passing over your ears, but if you turned your head to the side, it was quite. You could barely hear the engine of the boat. And the deck hand was pretty good looking too (now don't you wish you would have answered your phone tonight John?!) It was just purely amazing. I can't describe it any other way.

I started thinking about all the other things I want to accomplish before I pass. Guess now is as good as time as any to start making this list.

1. Parasailing (check)
2. See all 50 states
3. Have kids (check)
4. Become a published author
5. Get a master's degree

Guess I have some more thinking to do. Anyways, Cade stayed at home with Uncle Bob and Joey. They said he had a crying fit, but think it was because he wanted me. Go figure, now he is enter that stage of "wheres mommy". Otherwise he was great. Tomorrow we are going to get his picture taken at Sears. I kept planning on doing it when he was six months then a year, but I guess I got lazy and now I regret it. So I am doing it before a year. I know he will change a lot by then, so at least there is a point to chapter his cuteness again.

Hopefully the weather will be nice again as I would really like to get some more sun. Cade just loves it in the pool so I want him to enjoy it as much as possible. And it wears his butt out! We had a nice storm here today in the late afternoon so were unable to enjoy the VA sunshine and the pool. Such a shame. However, we went to dinner and it was really nice and had a great time.

Finished reading another book. I am going to have to start searching for another one to read. I am trying to read all I can, as when I get home John's family is coming up and I wont get as much time to myself as I do here. Everyone is so eager to take care of him and spend time with him. It is hard to let them do that, as I am so accustomed to doing it on my own. I hope to have lightened up a little to let them spend time with him too, but it is hard. Always the mommy.

I do have a few more pictures but will have to wait probably until I get back to Richmond to upload them. So stay tight for a few more days.

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