Saturday, August 23, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We finally made it to the end of our trip.

We got up at 0400! And headed out to the airport. Cade slept on both flights and was really good. We are sooo tired though. Its hard because I want to go to bed so bad, but I know John wants to spend time with us. 

It was great to see him. Right as we got off the elevator at Birmingham he was right there! It was great. I just wanted to hug him and not let go. But I had Cade in my arms and thrusted him at John. Cade didn't really know what to do. He just stared at John for a while and then he started to whine and reach for me. I could see John was upset, but I was his constant for two + weeks. So it will just be a short adjustment period. Cade finally warmed up to John though. But not totally. the video sort of shows it. Sorry I was laughing, but it was so funny. Cade used to crack up about it and now... not so much. (here is the link. blogger still isnt working for videos. let me know if this doesnt work. )

After we left the airport we decided to drive to Montgomery where we stopped for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and we find the nice part of Montgomery! So next time we find a good weekend, we are going to go up there and find some things to see up there.

And Fay is a Bitch! Luckily it was not so bad that we couldn't go home, but she didn't make it easy for us either. Right now it isn't raining, but the radar shows around 10PM we should get another blast It is suppose to rain the rest of the week every day. Yea oh fun.

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