Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Macaroni anyone?

The last two days we have been busy doing basically nothing. We have been out going places and trying to find things to do around here. Yesterday of course we went to Wal-Mart, and then mistakenly I tried to go to the commissary, but I forgot it is closed on Mondays. So we went to the PX instead.

Cade has started to get up on both his hands and knees and rock back and fourth which is the first step to crawling. So time is getting near to where we will have to baby proof the house and find some better way to contain him on the floor. He has also started to get his grown up taste buds. We fed him Macaroni and cheese for the first time two nights ago, and well the video tells it all.

Off for our morning walk. I hope everyone is doing well. I will hopefully post another blog today as I have a few more videos to share.

1 comment:

mom in va said...

this video was priceless. i lauged so hard. maybe try smaller bites? he make such a face after he eats it. what a hoot !!!!!!