Monday, July 28, 2008

same ole, same ole

Not much going on. John started his new detail. He and a another guy, Dude (yes, his last name is Dude!) are in charge of putting together a library. There are a lot of classes that people take on base and they don't receive college credit for them. There is a group of civilian's whose job is to turn those classes into accredited college credit courses. Next month some professors are coming to inspect what they are doing and view their resources to be able to accredited the classes and programs offered on base to other soldiers. So when these civilians received textbooks are resources, they would set them in the library. However, they never unpacked the books and organized them. So that is what John is suppose to do for six weeks. However, they finished unpacking all the boxes today. So tomorrow he will find out what else he needs to do. 

Cade is crawling around like crazy. I think we are going to invest in a kiddy playpen. We cant keep him contained long enough to do anything and he screams now when you put him in his exersaucer. I cant even go to the bathroom without him pulling the blue glass vase over on him self. 

Today I also got my new stroller. It is nice, big, but it is more than half the size and weight of our other one. Also, my mom sent Cade some bigger pjs (size 12 months) because his 6-9 do not fit well anymore. He is too long. John pulled them out and told me there was no way that he would fit into them because the pjs were too long. And he does! It is sad to see him like that, so big, yet he is still such a little baby. I just look back at the pictures of when we brought him home and he has got so big. 

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