this is how I found our son this morning. I hope this doesn't predict his career path.
10:20 AM - This morning was rough. I don't mind taking care of Cade and the house alone during the week. It doesn't bother me and gives me something to do, otherwise I get bored, which I do anyways. But when it comes to the weekend. House winch is done. I understand John has to study and has work, which is why during the week I gladey do everything and when he says he has to study and goes into his room, I ignore him until he comes out. But on the weekend, that is my time. Not the Army's, not anybody elses, my time. So when the Army makes him go into work today, Saturday for three hours, for no better reason, than to highlight his name responsibilities. That just down right pisses me off. This is my time. My time to be with my family, John's time to be with his son, our time to be together. I am tired too. But for like a day and a half, it would be nice if the Army left us alone and John would help with things. I understand this is my life now, but I too need a break sometimes from Cade, John, Cleaning and the animals.
Later tonight - John was suppose to go to a poker game, and I was suppose to go with Cade to a friends house for a BBQ, but I didn't go. I ended up getting sick right as I was walking out the door. I made John go to poker. I know he was looking forward to it all week. We are both trying to make new friends and it is hard. I only had Cade for about an hour and half before he went to bed anyways. It was a tough choice to make. We both felt like John should stay home to take care of Cade, but he was going to go to bed soon and I knew John was really upset about not going. (the pouting and whining gave it away). It would have been nice if he would have stayed home so I could get some rest and be OK in the restroom alone. But instead I got to stay home with him, while John got to go out. I'm jealous as I wanted to go out and have fun too. Sometimes I just feel left out and like I am the only one who has to take responsibility for our son and I give up more things in life. Maybe its just the job of being a mom, but why not a parent? I know it has to be hard for John to though, not being able to when he should. I know he didn't want to go in to work today, I know he wanted to go to breakfast like we normally do. So I know it upsets him too.
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