Monday, February 16, 2009

Vacation Day 1

Well it's not really vacation yet. We are in a hotel in Gaffney, SC. We left at 10:30 this morning. I did good. Cade on the other hand, didn't want to take but a hour nap and when he wakes up from naps in the car, you better be ready to get out. So he started screaming after 4 hours, right around Atlanta. He was crabby the rest of the day. We stopped in Strafenburg (sp?) and had dinner at Olive Garden. Then we drove a bit down the road and stopped. He was getting tired and more crabby and I couldn't take it anymore. At least with John and me in the car one of us can play or entertain Cade. I did while we were stuck in a 45 min traffic jam, but after that all bets were off.

Right now Cade is playing with any and all objects in the hotel room that isn't glued down. He is putting it all in his crib, maybe hoping he wont have to go to bed soon? Anyways, I hope to go to bed shortly and then get up early so we can be to my mom's before/at lunch. 

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