Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It is almost that time of year again

I know I posted a blog a while back with links and lists of the stores around us. I also wanted to point out that I have been updating our wish list as well, located to the right of this page. In saying that I need to know from family members what you would like.

Not much else is going on. Cade now has six teeth! Four on the top and two bottoms. So he has been quite a handful this week on top of his baby cold. He is also getting very upset when daddy leaves after lunch. It is cute, but sad at the same time.

Is it sad that I am excited to go grocery shopping tomorrow? I guess that is what my life has sucomb to. It is like an all day event. At least I didn't go today on pay day.

Today we just hung around the house. Cade and I went to the PX after lunch and got John a new digital watch since he lost his other one in SERE. He is going through some class right now. He went through half the class before but missed a few days when we went up to Bham for some reaosn. Its the ocea class or something like that. I really dont know. Just know he gets home late and short lunches.

No really big plans the rest of the week. Just grocery shopping tomorrow and Friday Steph and I will probably go to the Christian mission in Enterprise and the thrift store on base. Not to mention church tomorrow night.

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