Today we went to the neighborhood harvest day. The housing company holds one every year. We went with Steph and Kolydon. It was nice. It was a really nice day, a bit windy, but over all nice. Cade seemed to like it. He got a tattoo on his arm and a pinwheel! He looks so old in the one picture in his stroller. It is so sad to see him growing up. I bought size 4 shoes from old navy at a second hand store and they don't fit! They barely do. So tomorrow John and I are going to go find a new pair. He is walking now too like 4-8 steps. I uploaded a video for everyone to see. There are some shoes I want to get him, but they are like $40. So no way at this age. He is suppose to be in size 4 shoes (12-18 months) soon. But he has already outgrown them, I think it is also because there are a lot of patting in them too. Then tonight at dinner, we gave Cade his sippy cup he drinks from and he tore a hole in the nipple! He loves the nuby ones from Wal-Mart, the short ones with the soft sippy nipple. And he ripped it! So he ended up getting formula everywhere. Second time he has done it. One of the draw backs with having a young infant with so many teeth (6 to be exact and he is getting more!). We have more sippys at home but not that one. I am debating about buying another one, but it will have to wait for pay day.
Tomorrow we are going over to the Schaffer's for dinner. So we will see how that goes. Afterwards I am still going over to Steph's for Army Wives.
Not much else is going on. Right now we are upset because we wanted to watch the Mizzo game and instead it is a live broadcast of Miss National Peanut Festival 2008 from Dothan. Yipee, NOT! So I guess after Cade goes to bed we will be watching a movie. Since there really isn't anything else on.
Cade walking video
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