Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall is here

It seems fall is finally here in Alabama. Thought it would never happen. Last night we turned the heat on. Not all the way, but it was down to 54 last night! Tonight it is suppose to get to 45! Woo baby watch out everyone. It was a nice day though. Cade and I went to mom and me and had a nice time. For some reason it was really hard for me to function today, so I was a bit tired at mom and me. Everyone kept asking what was wrong because I was so quite. It was just cause I was so tired.

After that we came home and had lunch with John. Cade was horrible because he didnt have a morning nap. So he went down without even a lunch bottle. He woke up two hours later of course screaming for it.

We went over to Steph's later because he was just so cranky. We were going to play outside but I realized Cade doesnt have any shoes. He out grew the ones he had! Like I mentioned we went yesterday to get some, but I am not paying $22 for shoes right now at his age. So Steph let me borrow a pair until we got some. She told me there were some at the PX that were nice and not that bad price way. So I went up there after John got home from work and got him a pair. It is hard finding shoes. In one brand he is a toddler 4 in another its a toddler 5, in others it is a toddler 6. Then some tennis shoes are too heavy for him right now as he is starting to walk and looks like a drunk. So you have to find one in a bigger size that is lightweight. But at his size most are heavy because they are for older kids. A size 4 is suppose to be for 12 months, then 5 is 12-18 months. He basically is a 5 because they are a bit big on his so he will grow into them more.

But if you want an idea, we really would like these shoes for his Christmas present. The squeak when they walk showing them how to walk right and not on their tip toes.

Tomorrow Steph and the kids are going to the park in Enterprise. We have never been there, but there is a walking trail and a nice play ground. So I will be sure to bring the camera. Here is where we are going:

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