Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! We had a pretty good night. We went with Steph and Kolydn. We didn't get far until we ran in to a ton of people we knew. It was nice though. I felt sort of like I belong since we stopped and talked to them about normal stuff. Just wish we hung out with them. 

So at first Cade threw a fit when we put his costume on. It was quite funny. Then he didn't care one way or another if he was wearing it. So we started going to houses. He walked to the first few of people we knew. He thought it was fun to walk everywhere. We caught up with some other people with kids and walked with them too. We stayed out until about 730 then came home for bath and bed. We didn't get much candy, as we thought it was sort of mean to get candy that otherwise kids would get. We got a few though. We did buy a bag intending to hand it out when we got home, but didn't. But John was so sweet because he stuck a whole bunch in his pocket and when he saw kids we knew he gave it to them. So we only have about half a bag left. 

Nothing much else going on. It was so cute to see Cade tonight. I wish we could have stopped by everyones house and showed him off so his family could see him.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oh My Gosh

I think the pictures say it all. We ran to the shoppett tonight for about 10 minuets and didn't bother with putting LAV up. We came home to the last picture, biggest hole. We were like "oh he didn't do anything.....". I just stopped and put my hand over my mouth to try and keep the flies from gathering. So know for sure whenever we leave we will have to gate him in the kitchen. Don't worry John's parents! He only does this because he is upset with us and feel neglected. He will be fine when we come home. 

I immediately called the carpet company housing uses and asked them home much a remnet would be. He was really nice and told me to "stalk" the installers on base tomorrow. He said they are there everyday installing new carpet in the new housing. I just hope it is the same color. I have heard they use a different color in the new houses. They said to ask them for a piece and they wont charge me. I think it will be like $100 for the smallest piece otherwise. But with Christmas coming up and going home, it just upsets me because we at least have to fix this one hole now. It is right there when you walk in.

Otherwise things are ok. John's work is settling down because they are almost finished with moving the safety people. And tomorrow is the big day! Cade's first Halloween. John I think is conflicted. He wants to stay home and hand out candy instead of going with us. We are just going around to the people we know, which is actually a lot because they all requested we stop by. I am sort of upset because I feel John should go with us being Cade's first. There will be so many other times when he wont be there or can stay home while I got with Cade. But I guess we will find out tomorrow what he does. Of course we will post pictures when we upload them. We also wanted to say thank you to every one who sent him a Halloween card. I will save them all for him when he grows up.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Long day

Today was quite long. 

Around 11 Cade and I went to Dothan with Steph, Koldyn and Marci following behind us. Steph had never been there yet and wanted to go to the mall. So we stopped at Olive Garden for lunch and headed out to the mall. Cade did alright up until about 230, then he started getting really antzy and wanted out of the stroller. He hadn't taken a morning nap and had yet to take an afternoon one. Finally at 3 we left to come home. Everyone else didn't get home until 6! So late. So I am glad I came home when I did. Shopping sucks when you have no money for it! 

We are ordering Cade's baptism outfit tonight. Mom and Troy were gracious and kind enough to purchase it for us. I was going to post the links, but wanted everyone to see if for the first time when he has it on. It is not a typical "dress", but it is very much our style and cute. I just wish my mom, Troy and grandma Jo could all be there for it. Cade will actually be the sixth generation being baptized at Egypt Mills.

In a nutshell it goes:
Grandma Cec
Grandma Cec's mom
Grandma Cec's grandma

I think I got it right. Grandma Cec actually took the time to go and find out all the names and dates for us as well and mailed it to us to but with our family history that I research. So I do have it all written down, just not handy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just another day

Not much today. Did two loads of laundry, dishes, throughly cleaned Cade's highchair and played with him most the day. 

I did want to share with everyone what we got him for christmas

And for his birthday we got him

But I just looked online and the one we wanted to get him is the same price, but in the store it was an extra $10. I am going to Dothan tomorrow so I might end up taking it back and getting the one we originally wanted to get him. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Is it bed time yet?

Today was pretty good. We went to mommy and me this morning, where there were a handful of new people. Cade decided to show off and walk everywhere; hardly crawling! It was sad. After he turns one and is pretty good walking we will go to tot time with Steph. But I just don't want him to get ran over. 

After lunch he took a nap and later we went to Steph's because after his nap, he decided he wasn't going to be happy any more today. He threw fit after fit. It was horrible. But he loves going over to Steph's so away we went. 

When John got home we came home and I cooked dinner. He continued to be cranky all night. Finally John took his clothes off for a bath and discovered his nipples were cracked! Poor baby. I have no idea what to do for it but put Vaseline on it. So that is what we did. 

Not much else going on. Probably going to the commy tomorrow and Dothan with Steph and Marci on Wednesday. 

Still need ideas on Christmas gifts for a few people so please don't forget to send them our way!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

B E A utiful day

I was so tired that I started this last night and am finishing it now. I will post another one about today.

We went to the park yesterday. First time for daddy. Cade did a lot of firsts yesterday. First slide, first teeter todder, we went on a walk and he crawled around for a hour or so. He had a lot of fun. We were going to do the swing, but there were to many people on them, so we went for a walk instead. It was so pretty there. We talked about having a picnic there next weekend. We will have to see about the temp though as a cold front is moving in. 

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Today we had a full day of activities. We woke up this morning and had McDonald's for breakfast before heading out to the Boil Weevel Fall Festival. Yes, you heard it, Boil Weevel had a festival. Not only that, just about everyone in town turned out and they even had a Halloween custom contest. I am sure if we would have entered Cade he would have won. I know everyone agrees. 

The pictures above are from around here. The last is someone's yard. The took small pumpkins and turned them into a pumpkin Army attacking a flight student. I guess they have a Halloween decorating contest around here. Some people have gone all out. I am going to try and get a few more to show you. We think that it is pretty stupid. But then when you realize so many people leave base at Christmas and don't decorate all at you realize why. We probably will put lights up... I mean if i can talk John into putting lights up we will. But no tree. It makes me sad, but with us going home for three weeks, there is no reason. Just something for the cat to knock over. So those who we are seeing in St. Louis better have a nice looking tree since it will be Cade's first one!

The other pictures of our first family pumpkin. Cade could have cared less while John was carving it. I then had to get all the seeds because we wanted to try and make our own. John did a great job. After he was done and we put a candle in it, Cade thought it was so cool. He actually clapped! Literally the first time he did! He started screaming and clapping when we turned the lights off and just the pumpkin was light. I have to go by some tea lights, because all I have is yankee candles. So right now we have the best smelling pumpkin around!

While we were at the festival today, we were giving a handout of a free newsletter that is found around the Wiregrass. Nothing special but on the last page was a poem I thought was pretty good. From Street Talk America - From a kid in Arizona

NEW School Prayer

Now I sit my down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Find mention of Him very odd.
If scripture now the class recites,
It violate the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress likes freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlaws guns, but FIRST the bible.
To quote the Good Book makes us liable. 
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong.
We're taught that such "judgements" do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot: My soul please take!

Last but not least is a few videos shot by daddy tonight. One is of him walking around and trying to put his sock back on and the other is Cade moving around the house.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm going to sell them all!

We leave for 20 minutes to go to the PX and get a few things and come home and LAV has eaten two new holes in the carpet! I don't know what to do. I am thinking about leaving him in St. Louis as of right now it will cost us somewhere around $800 probably to replace the carpet (pay the housing fee). I guess we can keep the dog then, since it won't matter how many more holes he puts in the carpet. "someone" is not cleaning the carpet after Cade pukes, and since I am with him all day and literally follow him around with a towel and carpet cleaner, we can rule out one person. I am just so upset by this. I just don't know what to do. I think tomorrow I am going to call around the all the carpet suppliers in the area and see what I can do about getting a reminate piece and then doing a sort of cut and paste project on the carpet. It wouldn't bother as much, but the holes are big and you can notice them where ever you sit. It looks horrible when people come over to our house. 

I think the weather is just screwing with everyone. I have been utterly cranky today with a mild headache all day. Cade has been very upset about everything, the cats have been all puffed and running back and forth fighting throughout the house, and the dog has been chewing holes in are carpet. John is tired from a week full of manual labor. So I think it is all early to bed for everyone tonight. Cade has gone to bed early every day this week. He has been only taking a hour nap at a time and then waking up, but cant stay awake until bedtime. I know the time is nearing where I will cut out his morning nap, or afternoon, whatever works, but I am not ready for it yet! I still need my nap in the afternoon! 

This weekend we are going to the Boil Weevil fall festival in downtown Enterprise. Should be a blast I will take my camera. O, about the park, we went and I did forget to take my camera, but I borrowed Steph's so I am just waiting on the pictures. But we are "excited" to go this weekend. Just gives us something to look forward to.

I did update our wish lists again. Please pay attention to the Target one if you go there. I didn't know I already had a account so I created another one, so I have two with wish lists. The one with more stuff on it is the correct one. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall is here

It seems fall is finally here in Alabama. Thought it would never happen. Last night we turned the heat on. Not all the way, but it was down to 54 last night! Tonight it is suppose to get to 45! Woo baby watch out everyone. It was a nice day though. Cade and I went to mom and me and had a nice time. For some reason it was really hard for me to function today, so I was a bit tired at mom and me. Everyone kept asking what was wrong because I was so quite. It was just cause I was so tired.

After that we came home and had lunch with John. Cade was horrible because he didnt have a morning nap. So he went down without even a lunch bottle. He woke up two hours later of course screaming for it.

We went over to Steph's later because he was just so cranky. We were going to play outside but I realized Cade doesnt have any shoes. He out grew the ones he had! Like I mentioned we went yesterday to get some, but I am not paying $22 for shoes right now at his age. So Steph let me borrow a pair until we got some. She told me there were some at the PX that were nice and not that bad price way. So I went up there after John got home from work and got him a pair. It is hard finding shoes. In one brand he is a toddler 4 in another its a toddler 5, in others it is a toddler 6. Then some tennis shoes are too heavy for him right now as he is starting to walk and looks like a drunk. So you have to find one in a bigger size that is lightweight. But at his size most are heavy because they are for older kids. A size 4 is suppose to be for 12 months, then 5 is 12-18 months. He basically is a 5 because they are a bit big on his so he will grow into them more.

But if you want an idea, we really would like these shoes for his Christmas present. The squeak when they walk showing them how to walk right and not on their tip toes.

Tomorrow Steph and the kids are going to the park in Enterprise. We have never been there, but there is a walking trail and a nice play ground. So I will be sure to bring the camera. Here is where we are going:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's gonna be a short one

tonight. I am so tired. We went out today in search of antiques shops. We both love going to them. But instead we only found the one we knew about. We did get a listing of others in the area, but only two were open on Sundays and when we got to the first one they had new store hours. So we drove to Dothan for no reason which pissed me off.

While we were there we stopped at the "mall" and did nothing. Took all of 20 minutes to walk around it. Finally we went home where Cade decided he didn't need much of a nap. 

Finally around 530 we went over to the Schaffer's house for dinner. It was nice and everybody had a good time.

I am getting ready to head over to Steph's for Army Wives. Next week is the last episode for the season. So I am hoping to rent the first season and have a few girls over at our house to watch it. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Harvest Day 2008

Today we went to the neighborhood harvest day. The housing company holds one every year. We went with Steph and Kolydon. It was nice. It was a really nice day, a bit windy, but over all nice. Cade seemed to like it. He got a tattoo on his arm and a pinwheel! He looks so old in the one picture in his stroller. It is so sad to see him growing up. I bought size 4 shoes from old navy at a second hand store and they don't fit! They barely do. So tomorrow John and I are going to go find a new pair. He is walking now too like 4-8 steps. I uploaded a video for everyone to see. There are some shoes I want to get him, but they are like $40. So no way at this age. He is suppose to be in size 4 shoes (12-18 months) soon. But he has already outgrown them, I think it is also because there are a lot of patting in them too. Then tonight at dinner, we gave Cade his sippy cup he drinks from and he tore a hole in the nipple! He loves the nuby ones from Wal-Mart, the short ones with the soft sippy nipple. And he ripped it! So he ended up getting formula everywhere. Second time he has done it. One of the draw backs with having a young infant with so many teeth (6 to be exact and he is getting more!). We have more sippys at home but not that one. I am debating about buying another one, but it will have to wait for pay day. 

Tomorrow we are going over to the Schaffer's for dinner. So we will see how that goes. Afterwards I am still going over to Steph's for Army Wives. 

Not much else is going on. Right now we are upset because we wanted to watch the Mizzo game and instead it is a live broadcast of Miss National Peanut Festival 2008 from Dothan. Yipee, NOT! So I guess after Cade goes to bed we will be watching a movie. Since there really isn't anything else on. 

Cade walking video 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It is almost that time of year again

I know I posted a blog a while back with links and lists of the stores around us. I also wanted to point out that I have been updating our wish list as well, located to the right of this page. In saying that I need to know from family members what you would like.

Not much else is going on. Cade now has six teeth! Four on the top and two bottoms. So he has been quite a handful this week on top of his baby cold. He is also getting very upset when daddy leaves after lunch. It is cute, but sad at the same time.

Is it sad that I am excited to go grocery shopping tomorrow? I guess that is what my life has sucomb to. It is like an all day event. At least I didn't go today on pay day.

Today we just hung around the house. Cade and I went to the PX after lunch and got John a new digital watch since he lost his other one in SERE. He is going through some class right now. He went through half the class before but missed a few days when we went up to Bham for some reaosn. Its the ocea class or something like that. I really dont know. Just know he gets home late and short lunches.

No really big plans the rest of the week. Just grocery shopping tomorrow and Friday Steph and I will probably go to the Christian mission in Enterprise and the thrift store on base. Not to mention church tomorrow night.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thank God for maintance

So for as long as we have lived here, the bathroom faucts have leaked. And not just a little dribble, but a stream of water. Finally I had enough of it, and called today. While I was on the phone describing our situation, John decided to pour some old meat sauce down the drain, effectivly putting it out of commision. He tried himself to unclogg it, but this is the thrid time, with this issue. We know something is actually wrong with it, but the maintance around here likes to fix things the easy way instead of the right way. So while on the phone, I added our addtional problem. So we now have smelly chuncky meat sauce floating in our sink.

So maintance guy gets here. Says its gonna be an easy fix. Then goes into the bathroom. Tells us we need new hardware. YEA! New knobs and such! However, right now after hearing many "ouch!" he finally had to go get the saw zaw to hack off the old hardware, because it has been on since the 1950's when the houses were built! He can't get it off. He is about to break the sink which he has dismatled. Fine with me, means a new sink too! I told John to go break the other bathroom sink as well.

As for the kitchen sink, the guy "unclogged it". 5 minutes later John notices dirty water all over the floor. He forced the water out through the dishwasher. Not only is it over the floor and stinks, it is seeping through the bricks on the outside of the house! He said he will worry about that later.

Nice day so far....
Later tonight we had Steph and Kolyden over for dinner. He is so wild. But at least she keeps an eye on him and doesn't leave it up to us, so we don't mind having her over at all.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Crazy tunes

Yesterday was a nice day. We decided to drive around Ozark for a while and investigate since we really haven't done much there. We were looking for a nice mom and pop restaurant but didn't find one. So we came home. We watched some football for the rest of the day. 

Yesterday night was crazy! We had Marc come over with his son Kain (3) and then Steph came over with Kolydon (2), and then Jon came over (thankfully he left his 4 month old at home). But with three kids it was crazy! Kain and Koldyen didn't know how to share and had never met each other and it was like 7 PM when they came over. Finally at 730 Marc took Kain home, Steph took her son home and John gave Cade a bath and we put him to bed. Marc, John, Jon and I stayed up until about midnight and had a few beers and played spades. My first time. Not the best time to learn either. But nevertheless it was fun.

Today we didn't do much again. Sort of our theme on the weekends. I am going over to steph's to watch Army Wives again. Tomorrow John is off work, so he only had a four day week again next week. 

Friday, October 10, 2008

Where did our little boy go?

So yesterday Cade was very clingy little baby. And today, he is like this rough and tumble little boy. He is jumping on John and me and not caring if he lands or not. He is just everywhere, getting into everything. All in the matter of one day. I am wondering if having 5 teeth is giving him some sense of "adulthood". Like if he thinks having more teeth than normal allows him to act this way.

Well here are a few videos I promised. Nothing overly great, but just a night at home. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Back to normal

Everything is back to normal again today. It started out with bad weather again, but by lunch it was so nice. It was even a bit cool when we went for our evening walk tonight.

I was suppose to go to lunch with a friend, but she got sick, so I had lunch with John instead. So Cade and I didn't do much today. Just did chores around the house and played. That was about it. 

We tried for quite a while to get some video of Cade walking, but he wasn't really into it. We did get some cute videos though and I will try to post them tomorrow. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Finally some excitment

So today started out like any normal day. That was until lunch came around. It started to rain. Then the sierns off base started to go off. We didn't think much about it until the sierns on base started going off. Our new neighbor, Steph called, saying she was at 5700 building and worried about the sierns. Being from Alaska she didn't know what to do. So I told her to stay there until the sierns stopped. I said that if anything bad was to happen they would annouce it and move everyone into a safe place. While I was on the phone with her people started running and a lady came over and told her to get off the phone and she needed to take cover! While I was on the phone! So John got online and I turned it to the base channel. There was a tornado that was spotted just off base in Enterprise.

People around here freak at tornados due to the fatal one that happed last March (scroll down a bit...,_Alabama. Here is a memorial video... So civilians get very worried. So Steph kept calling us back asking what was going on because she was trapped up at 5700. John and I went outside to see what was going on. And we saw the scariest thing ever!

We were standing on our carpot when from behind the houses across the street clouds began to pour over then. You could actually touch them. Until we looked up and saw they were starting to rotate! A tornado, later confirmed and touched down, was forming right in front of us! I thought I caught it on my new phone, but didn't, but I did catch some footage a few minutes later and you can see the swriling! It was so freaky.

Steph called while we were outside crying because she said the Wal-Mart in Enterprise got hit! We haven't confirmed it yet, but what a disater that will be. We have missed some of the news so we haven't been able to see how bad the damages were. But it was pretty bad. I just kept saying if John starts to run I just need to catch up!

Ohh on a happier note, Cade took two-three steps today! He has been taking a few the past few days, but today he took more than just one.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Today was a nice day. Cade is cutting another tooth. Right now he is up to 5. He has his top two, bottom two and cutting a K9. So he is very drooly all the time. He really isn't crabby though. Just eats his finger constantly. Also, he has discovered leg hair. On John, not me! He likes to sit on the floor and pull on his leg hair. It is so funny to watch. At first it freaked John out because he wasn't expecting it, but then John just laughs at it. Cade is also standing alone now a lot. He will let go of anything he is currentally holding on to and just stand there for awhile. But no steps yet. He is walking very well if he holds on to someone. It is so funny to see how far he has come with walking in such a short period.

We went to Mommy and me yesterday and we both still really enjoy it. He is the oldest child there though. The rest are about six months. There are 11 month old triplets there. But they dont come every week. Their mom is pregnant with twins!

We went out for dinner tonight to Rodeo. Love that place so much! Came home and put Cader in bed. Now we are watching the debate. Luickly we got our ballots in on time so we can vote!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beautiful day

Today was a nice day. Had the windows open and the air off. We went and renewed our phone contract for another two years and got new phones, same number though. Other than that we didn't do much. We started to go on a walk, but stopped by the neighbors, Step and Clint. He is leaving tonight for WOCS (the school I couldn't be here for). He is only going to the 4 week course because he met the rank requirement. I am going over there tonight around 9 to watch Army Wives with her. She likes the show a lot and I have never seen it. Just couldn't bring myself to watch it. Guess I just wasn't ready for the realization yet. But you just have to think it is just a TV show. 

Otherwise we are fine. Not up to much. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Such as Army life...

Well today I finally found the courage to go get food at the commy. Wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. John went with us and we got there right when it opened. Only took us 2 hours. Cade was so good during it. Give him a can of chili beans to play with and he is happy as a clam. 

After that we went home, had lunch and John went back to work. I worked on my last paper too. Tonight we went to church again. Although we got there a few minutes late. A new neighbor came over to ask John questions regarding WOCS school. That is the six week course I couldn't be with John for. Well this guy gets to do the four week and he already moved his family down (same people we went to dinner with last Friday). So he came over to ask a few questions and talk. We should be going over to their house tomorrow. She seems really nice. Her name is Stephanie and their two year old is Colyden. And he is definitely going through those terrible twos. Hopefully I will make a new friend, since the one I made is moving this weekend to Fort Lewis ( So I am already sad about that. I went over after church and sat with Marci and her mom for a while and talked to them. Later Ryan came over to borrow something and sat and talked with us for awhile. Needed a break from his mother in law. We really liked them. But such as Army life. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It was all a mirage

I went to Dothan today with out the rest of the gang for a few things. I started driving back and soon darkness failed. As I drove down the street to the Daleville gate, I started looking around. I realized that at night the town seems so peaceful and somber. There are bright lights everywhere distracting you from the real world. Then during the day time it is a totally different place. Run down buildings with broken windows line the streets, with store upon store of used crap. We live in this mirage of a space. Flanked by three towns, with nothing more to offer than who has the best Wal-Mart. 

I thought about going to go food today, and then shortly realized that would be suicide as today is pay day. I can just imagine the checkout line wrapped around the entire store. Wal-Mart about the same. So instead we went to the PX and walked around. Fun Fun.