Today we went to Cade's 1 year well baby. Which wasn't well. I called yesterday to try to get a different appt. than the one he had Jan. 12 because we have to go back up to Birmingham. So they said the soonest after that they could get him in was March! So I said that wasn't going to work. So while I was on the phone they said someone cancelled for today. So I was like great we will take it. It was at 1030. And we know that they are ALWAYS behind. So we knew we would have to wait for a while. So we get there and I immediately ask how far behind. So they said they would check. After an hour I finally asked again and told them that we have another appt. in Dothan that we have to get to. So they rushed us in. Only to tell us that Cade cant get his one year shots because his birthday isn't until next week! I about blew a gasket. So they said not to worry. They will get his doctor in ASAP and get the check done, then as soon as we get home we can come in in the early AM and just get his shots. GRRR.
So then we rush to Dothan for my first OB appt. We get there and get in in average amount of time. Then while talking to the doctor he gets a page. He has two women in labor. One's baby is having issues. So he says he has to go and another doctor will be in to finish my exam. So we wait an hour (!) in the room. Finally John goes out and asks what the deal is. Finally the new doctor comes in. It took us 3.5 hours there. They kept telling us how sorry there were and that it never happens. Which I believe them because Laura goes there and I know she hasn't had that issue.
So I go back once a month. And they do an ultrasound EVERY time. So that is exciting. The baby measured 8 weeks, but going my my LMP I am 9 weeks 3 days. So I have two due dates July 20th and July 11th. The doctor said he is going to change it to be July 11th. They change it if it is over 7 days in the first 3 months. After that they only change it if is it over 2 weeks. So right now it is July 11th. John is hoping for a fourth of July baby. Also we are delivering at SouthEast Al. Medical Center. They let you labor, give birth and recover in the same room. Much like at MO Bap, but there they moved me to a different room to recover.
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