Thursday, December 18, 2008

These are a few of our favorite things...

So when we told people we were going home to St. Louis for Christmas Exodus they asked us what we would be doing. We were so excited to tell them about all the restaurants we want to go to. They thought we were crazy, but we miss so much here. And we get to go to the mall, like an actual mall with real popular stores. Target is right down the street and we don't have to shop at the commy. So much fun!

We ordered Cade's birthday cake today from McAurther's. The same place we got our wedding cake from. So we will pick that up Saturday before the party. I also have all his party supplies but a few things. So I will still have to go tomorrow and get those. But once again the party supply store is right down the street.

Tonight was a surprise indeed for me. John had planned a night for us, a special night. He planned it a long time ago. He surprised me by taking me to the Melting Pot and re-proposing to me. It was great. I had never been so excited to be there and we have been about 10 times now . At least once a year. He said that it was because on our anniversary next year I will be about 8 months pregnant and the closest Melting Pot is over 1 hour away, so we wouldn't be able to go. It was so sweet of him. It was so good. I ate so much but it was soo good. I just couldn't believe that John had planned ahead like that. It is just not like him.

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