Sunday, November 16, 2008


I swear I wrote some blogs after Tuesday, but John's mom informed me that I hadn't! I have no idea where the others went! So I will try to fill everyone in with what has been going on. Which is not much. 

Today we went for a walk this afternoon. We made homemade pizza for dinner and it was soo good! We went to the commy this morning to get things for the next few weeks. I hope to not have to go back until we get home from vacation. Might have to go for a few things here and there. 

Yesterday we went to Dothan and got a few Christmas presents. Had Sonic for lunch and came home. Just been a nice relaxing weekend. 

Oh on our walk today it was eventful. We were about half way done when this puppy black lab ran up to us. It started playing with LAV and then started to follow us. It followed us all the way to the housing office. So we stopped there and called the MP's. While we were waiting the owners came up. Which is good and the MP was nice. If your dog gets lose the MP's will come, write a report and then take it to the stray place on base. When you claim it they sort of give you grief about it. Then the person in the Army has to go and tell their Commander about it. Sometimes they get in more trouble and sometimes not. But the MP was really nice and didn't write a report so the guy wont get in trouble. On top of it all the dogs collar get loose and lost, so he would have been in trouble for that as well.

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