Friday, November 7, 2008

"free" military health insurance.

A lot has transpired in the last three days. On Tuesday I went up to Lyster to speak with Managed Care about Cade going up to Birmingham again on Monday to get the travel reimbursement paperwork we need. The paperwork they should have sent us before we go up there to get reimbursed for our travels and out of pocket costs. I also had to talk to them about being on orders for John's surgery. I should have known things were not going to happen like they were suppose to. We are dealing with the military and our "free" healthcare here.

So first Ms. Tusberg tells us that there is nothing in the system saying that Cade has another appointment and because of that Tricare is going to deny us reimbursement again. She tells us that we will need to call Cade's doctor and ask them to fax a appointment slip to her office so she can file it. But it has to be done by Friday, since it is a weekend and we go Monday. So I call and explain to the employee who deals with the insurance companies what we need done and please do it ASAP because it is crucial we get the fax to the insurance company. So says it won't be an issue. I call Wednesday and ask Ms. Tusberg if it has been done and she says she has got nothing. So I call back and leave a voicemail. Then I call again yesterday and they said they have no record of me calling! So I asked them to transfer me to the person who deals with the insurance companies and as soon as that little twit picked up I knew it was here. And I lit a fire under her ass. I told her and said I was waiting on the phone for her to fax it right then and there and if she didn't she better hang up because I would be calling her supervisor next. She did. 

Then yesterday afternoon while helping Steph John gets a call from the nurse up at UAB who is in his ear doctors office. She asks John if he would be willing to give up his appointment for a brain based tumor that came up. She tells John the guy can wait, but it would be nice if they can get the guy in before the holidays. So John politety tells her no. Says that he has waited over three months now to get this done. It wasn't something John did, it was caused by malpractice by his flight surgeron and said no. She said that she would have to talk to the doctor and that the other option is to ask a patient who has surgery on Monday if he was willing to give up his spot to John. She told him she would call back. She does today.

She says that John doesn't have a say anymore in the matter. That they are taking his spot away and that she asked the other patient and he refused. She said that they are trying to get him in on Nov. 20th for surgery, but they are not sure yet because the doctor was going out for vacation the last two weeks in Nov. and doesn't know if they will be able to get him in until after the first of the year.

Thats it. I have played nice, and no more. I just got back from going up the Lyster. I went to the same lady who was helping us at first because neither John nor I knew who else to talk to about this. I told her I didn't know where else to go and told her what was going on. She went to get her supervisor who then said she didn't need to hear it and I need to talk to patient management. So then I get walked down to another office. And I tell Pam the entire story. How John's flight surgon put the hole in his ear drum, caused more than just a hole and how he left John in the office after he did this and went home! Leaving John there for 4 hours waiting. Finally when they were coming around locking up a nurse checking the room found John. 

Pam looked at me like I was crazy. And I told her I was dead serious. I told her the Army screwed my husband up and they need to fix him. Not later, now. We have talked to the nurse in UAB and we are getting no where. Now they need to fix the mistake they did. I said I am two seconds away from walking over to JAG and suing the flight surgeon and the nurse so you might want to do something now and not later. She said she understands where I am coming from and that we definitely have a case. I did tell her I understand it is Friday afternoon, but I do expect a call with a update on Monday. 

So we still have to go to Birmingham on Monday for Cade and stay until Tuesday because they still want John to have pre-op done. 

Thats all for now. I need to stop thinking about this before I go insane.

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