Thursday, September 25, 2008

Its fall!

It has been so nice here! For the past week and a half there has been no humidity and about 80 everyday. It was actually too cold this morning for John to go running even. I put pants on Cade, and LAV wants to spend all day outside. 

Tonight we went to a Lutheran/Episcopal service on base. For my first Lutheran service it wasn't too bad. Not as long as the Catholic ones. Cade did pretty well. Last week was the first service on base. Only two people showed up. I think it was because the utility meeting that we went too instead was going on. Tonight there was about 20 people. It is a conservative service. John and I were both hoping for a contemporary, but I guess we will take what we can.

Hopefully you are still reading this, if you are you will now know that we are getting Cade baptized on December 28, 2008 at Egypt Mills Lutheran Church in Cape Giraduea at 10A.M. Becky will be his Godmother and sponsor. We are very excited as we really wanted to do this before we even moved down to AL. 

Otherwise things are going alright. I have been feeling very sick for about two weeks. Headache, stomach, cramps, etc. I went to the doctor and nothing is wrong. There is a much longer story and how I hate the healthcare down here, but it is time for Cade's nighttime bottle. 

Please once you start knowing what you want for Christmas please let us know so we can start buying!

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