Friday, September 5, 2008

Dun, Dun, Dun...

The doctor's office called today to tell us Cade's surgery is set for 0730 on Monday. We are going up Sunday sometime and spending the night. I asked and they said Cade is fine to drive home after the surgery. They said it will probably take around an hour for both his ear and eye, and he will be in recovery for an hour or so. Hopefully everything will go smoothy. 

Tomorrow morning my neighbor, Marci and I, are going garage saleing. They have a community one this time. They have one the first Saturday of the month always and this time they are having the other one as well where people who only have a few things can go and sell them at a booth. So I am getting up at 0630! That is earlier than Cade gets up! But I hope to find a few things I have been wanting to get but wouldn't mind it used. 

I hope everyone enjoyed the pictures of Cade from yesterday. They just make me smile every time I look at them. He is just so cute! Guess I am a little bias. 

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