Well John just helped me find directions to the Children's South Ped Outpatient center (and directions to the closest Coach store!). I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon for our trip, waiting until Cader is ready for his afternoon nap. Today we just had to lay him in his crib and but him to sleep. The past few days he would not take a nap, guess there was too much going on. But today he went right to sleep. We had to wake him up for bath time.
I am hoping they will just change his medication and put him on new formula and he will be better. His ped here said she thinks it is severe reflux. But when we had the upper gi done, it showed nothing (however, I think if they put the techs head in the machine it would show nothing also). She classified his a "failing to thrive". I am sort of upset at the fact that a few people, include John, feel I am over reacting. Yes, our son is happy and he looks fine. He is super tall and because of that he just looks like his weight has get got stretched over his long body. But he pukes up a ton, his blood work showed he has issues and he didn't gain weight for almost a two months. So please don't tell me "nothing" is wrong with him and he is "fine". You make me feel like a horrible, paranoid mother. I don't want anything to be wrong with our child, but if there was then it would explain his reactions to food and help him thrive and then we can help him instead of saying "suck it up kid". Because I didn't say he was failing to thrive, his doctor did, and if his PCM(primary care manager) said it (and his doctor in St. Louis and the doctor on base), ran tests (twice) and feels he should be seen by a specialist then it isn't just a case of a over reacting mother.
Since my wireless on my laptop conveniently stopped working two days ago, I wont be able to update anyone until I get home, as I would rather tell people when I am comfortably at home with my husband and not in a hotel room alone. Of course I will call John though.
1 comment:
i miss you guys. sounds like you had a good visit with the fam. i've just been working a lot. i can't wait to take a vacation and come visit.
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